I recently had a situation where I needed a very light-weight cache for some data that took forever to come back from a slow external API. My requirements:

  • cached data must outlive current process, i.e. be written to disk
  • cache must throw at write time if the thing being written won’t be readable when we need it
  • it’s ok to let read evaluate code (i.e. trust values from the disk cache)
  • no databases, bloated dependencies, just quick and dirty

Given that I was using Clojure, I figured this would be extremely easy given the Lisp dream of pervasive print/read to/from textual forms. The high-level implementation is use pr to print values to a text file, and read to read values back into memory. I encountered some rough edges in Clojure’s print/read in doing this, however.


The first issue I hit is that pr and its related helpers like pr-str will happily print anything, even if it has no hope of being read back in. e.g. A org.joda.time.DateTime object has no readable text form by default:

(read-string (pr-str (org.joda.time.DateTime.)))
;; RuntimeException Unreadable form
;;         clojure.lang.Util.runtimeException (Util.java:219)
;;         clojure.lang.LispReader$UnreadableReader.invoke (LispReader.java:1116)
;;         clojure.lang.LispReader$DispatchReader.invoke (LispReader.java:626)
;;         clojure.lang.LispReader.read (LispReader.java:185)
;;         clojure.lang.RT.readString (RT.java:1738)
;;         clojure.core/read-string (core.clj:3427)

There’s nothing special about DateTime, it’s just my example. No Java class (except a handful with special handling in Clojure) will have readable printed forms out of the box. That’s fine, but I do want to know when something I’m printing will not be readable.

There is a solution to this though: the dynamic variable *print-dup*. I assume dup is short for dupliacte? First, background: The print-related core functions boil down to calls to pr-on which calls the multimethod print-method in the usual case, or another multimethod print-dup if *print-dup* is true. Here’s the code:

(defn pr-on
  {:private true
   :static true}
  [x w]
  (if *print-dup*
    (print-dup x w)
    (print-method x w))

print-method has an implementation for java.lang.Object, which is why it is able to print anything. print-dup, on the other hand has fewer stock methods, and will throw when you try to print something it doesn’t explicitly know about. This is what I wanted: if it won’t be readable, blow up. (Note my reasonable? assumption here that if a type has a print-dup implementation that it will be readable.)

(binding [*print-dup* true] (pr-str (org.joda.time.DateTime.)))
;; IllegalArgumentException No method in multimethod 'print-dup' for dispatch value:
;; class org.joda.time.DateTime  clojure.lang.MultiFn.getFn (MultiFn.java:160)

This is great, except that to be useful – at least for me – certain non-Clojure objects, like joda’s DateTime need to work with the cache. Since print-dup is a multimethod, we can easily extend it for our uses.

;; Make it possible to print joda DateTime instances; required for caching.
(defmethod print-dup org.joda.time.DateTime
  [dt out]
  (.write out (str "#=" `(DateTime. ~(.getMillis dt)))))

Now the following works:

(binding [*print-dup* true] (pr-str (org.joda.time.DateTime.)))
"#=(org.joda.time.DateTime. 1395949236863)"


Notice that I use #= in the output here. This is an undocumented, but well used, reader macro that causes the following form to be evaluated after it is read (i.e. at read time), but only if *read-eval* is true (which it is by default). This feels a bit scary on the surface – an attacker could plant #=(fire-missiles :now) in the cached data – but I’m accepting it. In my case, a user that can modify the cached data already has the same access level as the program does. See references below for some more on *read-eval* safety.

In general, you need to ensure *read-eval* to read things printed by print-dup. Search for defmethod print-dup here to see how often it is used in the stock methods for print-dup.

Things appear to be printing. Now for the read side.


Most of the complexity I encountered was on the print side, so reading is pretty easy: just make sure *read-eval* is set:

(binding [*read-eval* true] (read-string (pr-str org.joda.time.DateTime.)))
;; #<DateTime 2014-03-27T15:40:36.863-04:00>

y u do dis struct-map?

I wrote all this up, using pr and read to read/write files on disk, and started using it. Right away things blew up: IllegalArgumentException No matching method found: create. WTF? Looking at the cached data I saw tons of this sort of thing:

#=(clojure.lang.PersistentStructMap/create {:a 1, :b 2})

struct-maps. Old, and largely replaced by records. Who the hell uses struct maps? I don’t…? er, But I do use resultset-seq extensively, and it returns struct maps. These things get through print-dup because PersistentStructMap implements IPersistentMap, which is handled by print-dup here. The fact that they can’t be a read is an ancient bug that doesn’t look likely to be fixed. Ugh.

I found an easy work-around, and while it’s not really in the spirit of print-dup, it works for me: convert struct maps to regular maps before printing:

;; Convert struct maps into something readable before printing
;; http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJ-176
(defmethod print-dup clojure.lang.PersistentStructMap
  [m out]
  (print-dup (into {} m) out))

I don’t know if there are more instances of this type of thing (printable with print-dup, but not readable); I haven’t found any yet. This cache doesn’t see a great variety of values, however.


How to print things and be confident you can read them later:

  • bind *print-dup* to true at print time
  • add print-dup methods as necessary for your custom and 3rd party types
  • always add a custom print-dup method for PersistentStructMap
  • set *read-eval* to true at read time
